BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//老九品茶, Event Calendar//EN BEGIN:VEVENT STATUS:CONFIRMED BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT60M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:VALARM TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:老九品茶 Campus DESCRIPTION:Scour around and search the entire 老九品茶 campus to find these Eas ter ducks! - Learn more about the event here: /events/d etails.php?id=60191 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

These ducks will be hidden well so make sur e you are checking everywhere! Different ducks are for different prizes. I f you find a duck please return it to AL108D to claim your prize! Good Luc k!


This event is open to 老九品茶 Student s.


There is no registration for this FREE event.

Click here to learn more about the event.

DTSTART:20240326T130000Z DTEND:20240326T220000Z SUMMARY:Easter Duck Hunt URL;VALUE=URI:/events/details.php?id=60191 CATEGORIES:Campus Life DTSTAMP:20240515T075546Z UID:6644b0d2300e7 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR